This is the second part of my Before and After of the Great Room Swap! (You can see part 1 here)
I had a hard time finding before shots of the living room for some reason, but I managed to gather enough to give you an idea of the changes.
Before: this was the look last January
After: the fireplace stayed in the same spot, but everything else changed.
Before: right side of the fireplace bookcase and chair

After: replaced with white bookcase and blue rocking chair, it has a lighter look

Before: left side with a big club chair
After: the drop cloth wing chair and ottoman look great here
Before: the first spring mantel this year

After: replaced with white bookcase and blue rocking chair, it has a lighter look

Before: left side with a big club chair
After: the drop cloth wing chair and ottoman look great here
Before: the first spring mantel this year
After: the new spring mantel
After: the table and lamps stayed but everything has a much airier look
with the white curtains and chairs
Before: this was the usual look for the mantel, with one of my favorite pictures,
a print of Plymouth, Mass
After: I really love this look!
(I hung the picture in the new family room so I can still enjoy it)
The walls stayed the same, with white batten and board paneling and a coffee-colored paint, but with the furniture switch, it has such a brighter, airier feel to it.

Such a change, love the white airy look you have going now!